The ONE thing causing your chronic pain that no one is telling you (it’s not what you think)…  ONLY 12 SPOTS AVAILABLE!!

Have you ever experienced short-term relief from your chronic pain only to have it return…

It’s all because of ONE core trigger, and with Bio-Energy and Coaching, I will help you find the long-lasting relief you are searching for.

That’s right, no more missing out on life because pain is keeping you from enjoying yourself. Imagine living without chronic pain. What would that feel like?

Here is what one client said...

“I’ve had chronic neck pain since my early 20’s. It had gotten so bad recently I was seeing a massage therapist, chiropractor and an osteopath weekly. My energy levels were also low due to looking after my son who is a toddler. After my Bio-energy treatment: my neck issues went away after two sessions. My energy levels are so good I haven’t had to take daily afternoon naps. I was also able to skip weekly massage and chiropractic appointments for quite some time without recurrence.”


CALL OR EMAIL MARTINA #435-414-5387 /

Are you willing to uncover the root cause of your chronic pain?

Believe it or not, pain in the body is caused by stress. Most stress is caused by a past event or emotional trauma that you don’t even know you are still hanging on to. 

Are you willing to do whatever it takes to live pain-free?

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from this offer. Imagine experiencing reduced pain and increased energy to be able to enjoy the activities you only dreamed of doing.

My true passion is helping people live more enjoyable lives. Whether that is freeing them from pain, raising their energy levels, having a more peaceful sleep or finding clarity in their lives.

For a LIMITED TIME I am offering 50% OFF FULL TREATMENT PACKAGES to the first 12 people who contact me and book. THAT’S RIGHT 50% OFF. 

Reg. $350.00 value for ONLY $175.00 PLUS if you are not satisfied or show any signs of improvement I will give you a 100% FULL REFUND on the treatments.

Learn more about Bio-Energy by clicking here…

The practitioners at Kreate Wellness are not medical doctors or licensed health care practitioners and do not claim to be. The information provided is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. Offered are Bio-Energy Healing Sessions, Coaching and alternative health care modalities and must be handled as such. A client’s use of the advice or information provided by a practitioner of Kreate Wellness, their interpretations of what they hear in a session, receive in written form, or any effects on them or others which they attribute to such sessions or information is their responsibility alone. Kreate Wellness does not accept any liablility or responsibility for any consequences of a client’s use of its services either beneficial or otherwise, including effects on health.